
WIth every blog I create, I always manage to put it on the back burner. I am sorry you poor neglected blog. But it's okay, because I am updating now, even if it is the only update you'll have for the next two months.

I was admitted into the hospital two weeks ago on Monday, which would make that June 14th, and I am still here. Plans are for me to be discharged as of Friday, but we all know I probably wont be leaving the hospital until Friday night, just because discharge planners like to take their precious time. I'm okay with that though, there is nothing I am rushing to get to.

Since I'll be on IV's at home for 2 weeks, my mom wants me to stay with her, just to make sure I don't forget any doses and I think she feels more relieved when I am in her care directly after a hospital visit. I'm okay with going to her house, I just hope that I don't get too irritated with all the kids and people around. I am so used to being alone at home. It will be nice though, to have someone to talk to again.

When I came into the hospital I was on 3 liters of o2 at home, they bumped me up to 4 once I got here. I am now down to 2, and I am hoping I can wean off by Friday. If I can't, I do have my oxygen concentrator at home, but life is much easier when you don't have to drag cords around all the time.

I'm still culturing my mycobacterium, psuedo, staph, and aspergillis. As far as I know, the mycobacterium isn't really causing the problems, it could possibly be the psuedo/staph combo, and I am being left untreated for the aspergillis right now, just because it is not really a threat to my health right now. I am being treated with IV: Zyvox, Doripenum, Collistin and orally I am taking Azithromycin 250mg 1x a day. That seems to be the combo that's kicking ass. I will be going home on just the Doripenum for IV's, we're dropping the Collistin and doing Zyvox orally with Azithromycin. What a lovely cocktail.

I finally have my first appointment at the CF clinic in Stanford! I am so excited for this. I really feel good vibes from this decision. Face it, my lungs don't have the time to be bounced back and fourth between doctors and decisions anymore.. we need a doctor, and we need a decision. From there we are going to see about what we can do to start transplant evaluation. A big weight will be lifted from my shoulders once I have a team that wants to work with me instead of against me. Let's hope I have good luck there :) Goodbye UC Davis. It's almost bittersweet, because I was diagnosed at UCD and have been going there since I was 3 months old.... and now I am saying goodbye to them. It's time for a new chapter in my life, and I am ready for it.

I found out that the vest has PINK vests now, so I ordered one. I hope it comes soon!!!

I end this with love, love to my fellow cystics, and to Connor and his family<33 Breathe easy lil' man.

1 Response to "Updates"

Afton said...

I got the pink vest. Somehow it makes my day brighter (and a bit more girly). Hope it comes in soon!

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