That extra OOMPH.

This is just going to sort of be a ramble, but you can take it as you please! I've realized that when I get up in the morning, I hate getting up out of bed, making my coffee, and heading straight to the shower (or if it's a no-shower day due to IV's, washing my face). A lot of times I will wind up just sitting around in my pajamas all day, and then at the end of the day, I feel like such a loser for hanging out in PJ's.

I think we all need to find that EXTRA oomph, in the morning. I have not found mine yet, but when I do, I will let you know! Because I have noticed when I am able to get in the shower, afterwards... I feel so much better! Following the shower I MUST get dressed though, because if I don't, and if I just put my PJ's back on, I will go right back to lazy town, except in a more cleaner sense.

I know your probably like, and how is this related to your health? Well I feel like if you get up in the morning, take a shower, etc... you are more likely to get more treatments in a day, vests, walks, exercise, anything! I know for me, if I take a shower and get dressed, I am ready to take on the WHOLE entire day. I even set my food out in the morning for dinner, start cleaning here and there, and maybe even go into town for a while, and try to walk around.

I know if I stay in my PJ's I will do none of this, and a lot of the times, I will even skip treatments, I won't eat right, and a whole bunch of unnecessary stuff, just because I couldn't get my ass into the shower LOL! And that can make me feel sicker than I actually am. So what I am trying to say here is... Take a shower! :) LOL. Common sense, I know... but a new way to look at it?

love love love,
Alyssa Crank

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